
Write for Us on Technology

Are you passionate about technology and eager to share your insights with a global audience? Look no further – Be Orignal welcomes you to become a contributor on our “Write for Us Technology” platform dedicated to all things technology. As a leading website development company, we believe in fostering a community where thought leaders, industry experts, and enthusiasts can come together to exchange ideas, explore trends, and contribute to the ever-evolving world of technology.

Why Write For Us Technology?

At Be Orignal, we understand the power of diverse perspectives in shaping the technological landscape. Our “Write for Us Technology” platform is a unique opportunity for you to showcase your expertise, spark discussions, and leave a lasting impact on readers who share your passion for technology.

Guidelines for Submission

To maintain the quality and relevance of our content, we have established a set of guidelines that we kindly ask you to adhere to when submitting your article:


We value authenticity. All submissions must be Orignal and not previously published elsewhere.


Your content should be focused on technology, covering a wide range of topics such as web development, digital marketing, graphics design, SEO, social media, and emerging technologies.

Depth and Insight

We encourage in-depth exploration of topics, providing valuable insights, actionable tips, and relevant examples.

Word Count

Submissions should be between 800 to 1200 words.

Keyword Usage

Please include the proper keyword naturally throughout your content to ensure optimal search engine visibility.

Clarity and Structure

Organize your content with clear headings, subheadings, and paragraphs for easy readability.


If applicable, include images, charts, or diagrams to enhance the visual appeal of your content

Submission Process

Submitting your article for consideration is simple. Please email your well-crafted piece as a Word document to Our editorial team will review your submission for quality, relevance, and alignment with our guidelines. If your article is selected, we will notify you within 24 hours and provide you with the publishing date.

Benefits of Guest Post Contributing

Expertise Recognition

Showcase your knowledge and position yourself as an authority in the field of technology.

Expanded Reach

Reach a wider audience through our platform and gain exposure within the tech community.


Spark meaningful conversations and engage with readers who are genuinely interested in the topics you cover.


Connect with fellow contributors, industry professionals, and enthusiasts who share your passion.

Backlink Opportunity

Enjoy the opportunity to include relevant backlinks to your own website or content within your article, enhancing your online presence.

Start Write For Us + Technology

Are you ready to be a part of our “Write for Us Technology” platform and contribute to the discourse surrounding technology? We invite you to share your knowledge, insights, and ideas with the world. Together, we can shape the future of technology and empower individuals and businesses to thrive in the digital age.

To begin your journey as a contributor, simply submit your article to We can’t wait to read your valuable contributions and welcome you to the Be Orignal community.